Understanding natural therapies: ear candling

Ear candling is a natural health solution that has been used by ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Indians and Mayans. However, it was the Hopi Indians of North America who perfected the design of the ear candle as we know it today. Although this natural health option has been around for many years, it is now more popular than ever and is used for everything from an earache to a headache, sore throat and sinus problems.

An ear candle is a natural health solution that can be described as a hollow tube made from cotton flax stiffened by honey and pure beeswax. Many also include essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies and herbs. Others have a filter to safeguard against any wax or candle residue entering the ear.

How does it work?

The candle is placed in the ear and the flame acts like a vortex with a gentle drawing action to help vaporise and remove the waxes and fluid within the outer ear canal and beyond. The localised heat stimulates lymphatic circulation and it’s believed it may even help clean and restore healthy nerve endings.

Ear candling can be performed by experienced natural health practitioners and also practised safely at home.

An ear candling treatment is non-invasive and calming. It produces a feeling of relaxation and it’s not uncommon for a person to fall asleep during the experience.

Some turn to ear candling as a natural health alternative for treating a specific condition. As a natural health solution, ear candling can help those suffering with their sinuses for a length of time with things like nasal drip, sinus infections, earaches, glue ear, swimmer’s ear, or when they continually develop a lot of wax in the ear. It can also assist those suffering from tinnitus or temporary deafness. Ear candling helps promote natural health by clearing the eustachian tubes. These run between the ears and the lower sinuses on either side of the nose and often become blocked.

The benefits of natural health options

Like a number of other natural therapies, ear candling in recent years has experienced a wave of popularity. It is now been used as a natural health alternative by German GPs and in several European hospitals for the treatment of ear, nose and throat complaints and as an alternative to antibiotics and ear syringing.

Although a certain amount of earwax is necessary to protect the ear from infection, the buildup of excess wax and fluid can cause problems. Using cotton buds can compact earwax and cause it to be pushed deeper into the ear canal. The residue from shampoo and soap can harden earwax. This may eventually result in a blockage, earache or hearing difficulty.

Therefore, ear candling is a natural health alternative that offers beneficial results.  Ear candling is very effective in clearing such blockages and is generally a preferable natural health alternative to the uncomfortable experience of getting your ears syringed. Ear candling can be used in conjunction with other natural therapies and alternative medicine for the relief of cold and flu symptoms as well as infections such as tonsillitis, as it can reduce inflammation in the throat.

Administering treatment at home
Ear candling is also a natural health option that can be used safely at home, particularly if you buy the small, slim candles with an inbuilt filter that prevents ash from entering the ear canal. Follow the instruction and have someone assist you as it’s virtually impossible to self-administer the treatment. Larger, cone-shaped, unfiltered candles are best handled by a natural health practitioner.

Use WellBeing’s online directory to find a practitioner near you that offers ear candling

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