Why study a naturopathy course?

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Choosing a career in the natural health and living sphere can be a rewarding decision.

Naturopathy is one area of natural health that is thriving. There are a range of educational institutions that offer naturopathy courses. Generally, the majority are offered through private colleges, however some courses are also provided by universities.

What is naturopathy?
The origins of naturopathy can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece. Hippocrates, “the father of modern medicine” in 400BC recognised the human organism as a combination of mind, body and spirit with an innate ability to heal itself. Modern naturopaths follow this essential ideal. The role of the naturopath is to assist in this process by offering natural therapies and holistic medicine. These treatments are prescribed to solve the underlying health problems in a person. A personalised treatment plan is devised to help the patient regain health and achieve balance and harmony.

What’s involved in a naturopathy course?
In general, a naturopathy course ususally runs for three to four years full time. Depending on the institution, either a diploma or bachelor degree will be offered with an option for postgraduate study or an advanced diploma. Along with this, naturopathy courses will involve studies in other areas such as iris analyisis, massage therapy, herbal medicine, flower essences, medicine science, research, nutrition and other therapies.

Clinic training should also be involved in a naturopathy course. Often a certain number of hours, generally 400 hours, will be dedicated to training in a range of different areas such as naturopathy, massage and homoeopathy.

Mode of study
If you are deciding to undertake a naturopathy course there are a range of options to choose from. Many naturopathy courses offer plenty of options for full time, part time or online study. Some are through private colleges and others are through universities. Some schools may also offer FEE-HELP or Austudy payments to assist with tutiton costs. Contact the learning institution to for more details.

On completion of a naturopathy course your qualification may make you eligible for membership in a number of different associations and societies.

Graduates may then enter an exciting career as a qualified naturopath. This is a great opporuntity to start your own business or perhaps enter other fields such as education, community health service, social welfare, manufacturing or work in health retreats and other clinics.

Choosing a school

Choosing the institution you wish to study with will be a personal choice. Before making your decision here are a few things to consider:
•    What is your preferred mode of study? If you favour part-time study make sure the institution provides these options
•    How reputable is the college? Make sure the course you choose is recognised by relevant associations. Joining these associations after you graduate offer a number of incentive and benefits to members.
•    Does the institution offer or are you eligible for FEE-HELP or Ausstudy payments?

Search for naturopathy courses on our directory to find out more www.wellbeing.com.au


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