ANTA Course Guide

WellBeing Course Guide — Australian Natural Therapists Association

Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is committed to continuous quality improvement and providing the Australian public with the highest possible standards for the conduct and safety of our practitioners. ANTA employs an executive officer, administrative staff and is governed by a board of directors, who are all qualified practitioners in their respective modalities.


ANTA offers free student membership to those who are studying at a recognised college, and full practitioner membership for those who have graduated and wish to work in the natural therapies industry.
For those who are eligible for provider registration, ANTA is the only association that is recognised by over 50 health funds. ANTA prides itself on not being a two-tiered association and those that are eligible to be registered with health funds will be, provided they meet the requirements of membership.

Student Bursary Awards and Graduate Awards

Each year, ANTA offers two types of awards for student members and new graduates. Student Bursary Awards have been established to encourage and assist students to maximise the opportunities in their education and assist students to achieve their aims and goals. ANTA believes that a student’s financial situation should not be an impediment in their pursuit of a career. Each year, 12 students will receive an ANTA Student Bursary Award of $1000 plus 12-months complimentary membership upon joining as a full member. Students are assessed over several different criteria via a submission of a high-performing assignment, due by 31st July each year.
ANTA Graduate Awards have been established to reward achievement and to assist graduates with their careers. The Graduate Awards are open to all new graduates in all modalities accredited by an ANTA-approved course and college. Each year, 12 new graduates will be awarded $200 plus 12 months complimentary membership. When a graduate joins ANTA, their academic transcript will be assessed by a panel in the categories of course unit achievement, consistency, clinical practicum and also overall achievement.


ANTA offers a range of resources to all members for free, including quarterly journals, webinars/seminars, research databases plus more. ANTA prides itself on offering free Continuing Professional Education (CPE) to all members through the ANTA Member Centre. ANTA sends regular eNews, keeping members updated on new regulations, news and updates in the industry as well as their respective modalities.

ANTA National Seminars

ANTA National Seminars are free for all ANTA members, students, practitioners and the public to attend. ANTA’s seminars feature high-profile presenters who are regarded as authorities in their field of expertise. Seminars are held in Brisbane, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne throughout each year. These seminars are a great way to accumulate CPE points and network with other practitioners. The presentations are recorded and uploaded to the ANTA Member Centre for those who cannot attend in person. Visit under the Seminars tab to find more information.

Statutory Registration

ANTA is the only association that continues to lobby the government and government departments to include naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists (Western), nutritionists, musculoskeletal therapists, myotherapists, remedial therapists, shiatsu therapists, aromatherapists and Ayurvedic medicine practitioners to be registered under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAs).

ANTA has been invited to participate in the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Professions Reference Group and this gives ANTA the opportunity to continue to push for registration of natural therapists under the NRAs. There are many benefits resulting from statutory registration and recent events, such as the TGA proposal to recognise practitioners registered under the NRAs administered by AHPRA, and the government review of private health insurance rebates for natural therapies could have been completely avoided if natural therapists were registered under the NRAs.

Small Business in Australia

Small business representation is a key element at ANTA. Whether you are a sole trader, business partner or a registered company, ANTA is interested in providing a lobbying ability and representation to the Australian state and Federal governments for support and growth to ensure your future.

During 2020, ANTA formed an alliance with other likeminded professional associations. This has provided an opportunity to gauge how a combined effort might assist us to move forward and ensure our members’ education, businesses and support systems are represented to provide opportunities for growth over time. ANTA has joined forces with the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) to keep abreast of how we can best support our members at this level.

ANTA represents:

  • Acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Myotherapy
  • Musculoskeletal Therapy
  • Naturopathy
  • Nutrition
  • Oriental Remedial Massage
  • Remedial Massage
  • Shiatsu
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Western Herbal Medicine

Get your career off to a flying start and join as either a student member or new graduate today. To enquire about ANTA membership, please contact ANTA via email or phone. It’s your choice … naturally!

T: 1800 817 577

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