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Stargazing: Your May & June Horoscope

Unlock your cosmic potential with insights from WellBeing 210. Embrace celestial energies for transformative growth and new beginnings, check out your horoscope below.


With five planets aligning in Taurus during the New Moon on May 8, you’re reminded of life’s abundant blessings. Following April’s reinventions, May encourages you to establish firm foundations, aided by the auspicious presence of Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. May 18 to 24, marked by a convergence of Venus, Jupiter and Uranus, promises unexpected opportunities and positive changes. Jupiter’s impending departure from Taurus after 12 years urges you to seize favourable influences. Envisioning your goals, with support from visionary Neptune, will drive you towards desired outcomes as June progresses, with a particularly favourable period between June 27 and 29.


Your fiery Leo spirit encounters tests from transformative Pluto in Aquarius, your symmetry sign. Embracing this energy, you find complementation in broader community connections. The New Moon on May 8, accompanied by five planets in your vocational sector, prompts the initiation of practical steps towards manifesting your ideas. From May 8 to June 10, with the support of three planets, including Mars in Aries, you’re propelled into action. June brings further expansion as a new Jupiter cycle commences, aligning you with like-minded individuals.



As the Sun enters Gemini from May 20 to 24, followed by the arrival of Venus, the atmosphere becomes more harmonious. May 23’s Full Moon boosts your relationships, but May 26 is the real game-changer, as expansive Jupiter begins its yearlong journey through Gemini, supported by the presence of the Sun. This signals a fresh start imbued with heartfelt intentions, encouraging you to pursue a more joyful life. The trend continues to expand from June 3 to 7, culminating with the Gemini New Moon, although challenges may arise from June 8 to 17 before blossoming again from June 27 to 29.


The encounter between Venus and Uranus on May 18 infuses disruptive yet rewarding earthy energy, signalling new adventures. May 20 to June 4 rejuvenates your vision despite potential family dramas around May 23’s Full Moon. June 8 to 17 may feel burdened by the demands of daily life and relationships, but emotional insights fl ow once Mercury enters Cancer on June 17, accompanied by Venus. Your capacity for reflection becomes apparent from June 22 to 30.


A cluster of earthy planets encourages social interactions and time spent with like-minded friends throughout May. Particularly fruitful days include May 13 to 15. From June 17, Venus entering Cancer enhances your receptivity to love and pleasure, further amplified when the Sun joins on the Solstice, June 21. However, caution is advised around the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22, as it may bring illusions or avoid harsh realities. The period from June 26 to 30, marked by a nurturing Water/Earth connection between Venus and Mars, revitalises you with nature’s healing power.


The Aries/Libra Eclipse Axis heralds timely changes, prompting considerations of past experiences. Mars entering your partner sign on May 1 energises your relationships, supported by Pluto’s transformative influence. May 24 to 26 sees Venus and Jupiter entering your sign, igniting excitement and new opportunities for adventure and learning. Committing to well-considered ideas between June 7 and 16, with the support of a waxing Moon and Venus, ensures fruitful outcomes during Jupiter’s year-long cycle.


May emphasises self-examination following April’s Full Moon in Scorpio. The presence of many planets in your partnership sign keeps your social life vibrant. Unexpected developments, particularly from May 13 to 18, propel you towards productive endeavours. Despite potential challenges from May 23 to 31,  resistance proves futile. June also brings surprises, with Mars in your partner sign. Exercise caution from June 9 to 12 and embrace stillness, as impulsivity may backfire. The period from June 22 to 30 opens doors to your best path forward.\


With transformative Pluto in Aquarius for an extended period, hidden aspects of your life come to light for examination. Home and family take centre stage with the New Moon on May 8, offering valuable insights and opportunities for growth. Recognition of your guidance abilities may come from May 19 to 25, while Jupiter’s new creative cycle from June 3 onwards aligns with Pluto, pointing towards nurturing directions for your life.


Maintaining optimism may be challenging in May and June, yet May 23’s Full Moon in Sagittarius offers valuable lessons, particularly regarding health. Embrace inner stillness and prioritise your wellbeing. Jupiter’s entry into your partner sign on May 26 initiates a year-long phase of expanded connections and new ventures. Lay foundations from May 30 to June 7 and pace yourself through June.


Balancing the influences of serious Saturn and visionary Neptune in Pisces may feel challenging, as practicality clashes with idealism. However, May 8’s New Moon brings clarity and nurtures productive communication. Saturn’s presence strengthens your emotional foundations, particularly beneficial from May 13 to 24, although restraint and patience are necessary from June 7 to 17. Rewards come later in June.


As you approach the fi nal months of Pluto’s 20-year journey in Capricorn, May encourages you to indulge in earthly pleasures that invigorate your life. Saturn’s presence in Pisces from May 7 to 14 facilitates a dance of self-care, while May 17 to 18 reveals choices that drain your energy. Embrace the cleansing energy of May 19 to 24’s Full Moon and cherish moments of love and connection from June 3 to 5, 10 to 13, and 22 to 30.


Healer Chiron and the karmic Eclipse Axis together engage Aries. Honour the power of timing and address wounds with mindfulness. May sees dynamic energy with Mars entering Aries on May 1 and engaging in a dance with Pluto until May 5. May 8’s New Moon off ers clarity in your healing journey, leading to creative empowerment after May 23’s Full Moon. Exercise emotional restraint during June 7 to 18’s testing period.

Article featured in WellBeing 210

Check out previous horoscopes of the years past

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See astrologyspot.com.au or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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