Star Signs May & June 2022

Your stars signs for May & June 2022

Curious about what the future holds in store for you these next few months? Want to know about the New Moon? Mercury in retrograde? How Venus will impact your relationships? Consulting astrologer Christine Broadbent has scrutinized the planets and stars to uncover what lies in your stars for May & June.


May 1–9 is a period to maximise, driven by New Moon energy and your guru planet Mercury back in Gemini. Mercury goes retro on May 10, which offers you three weeks to double-check all communication and be alert to misinformation, especially on May 16. However, Jupiter now begins a five-month cycle that will help you build exciting new networks. From June 3 you get the best of that potent Gemini New Moon of May 30. A rush of creativity means you will really enjoy June 14’s Full Moon. Do choose clarity over illusion in relation to partners and your career.


May 1’s New Moon eclipses the Sun, and a helpful line-up of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune means mysteries and imagination speak to you. This culminates in May 16’s total lunar eclipse when you are abuzz with great ideas, yet promise may exceed delivery. Hold fast for May 30’s New Moon when Jupiter and Mars fast track vocational energies. From then until June 22, a well-placed Venus also supports your community. Since New Moon in Cancer on June 29 squares off to Jupiter, it’s important to beware of unrealistic expectations.


May begins with a New Moon which illuminates your inner urge to redesign your vocational roles and make a richer, less exhausting composite of the many things you do. Saturn opposing Leo has loaded you up on both lovely and hard responsibilities with May energising action plans for a better balance. New Moon in Gemini on May 30 gets things moving, helped by both Mars and Jupiter firing up your spirit of adventure. June 14–28 is particularly dynamic featuring vision, creativity and plenty of support from others.


Deep emotional transformations and a greater sense of being comfortable in your own skin become possible thanks to Pluto’s rebirth. May 1–7 promotes positive renewal and grounding. Since your guiding planet Mercury goes retrograde from May 10 to June 2, look behind your many roles to see what improvements can be made. Unpacking the past this way achieves more than a push for progress. You may be surprised by a partner May 18, energised by insights May 22–26, and from May 30 to June 14’s Full Moon experience new meaning in a vocational role.


With Venus travelling through your partner sign from May 3–28, expect a busy time. Jupiter enters your partner sign on May 11 with Mars joining in on May 25; demands and offers may increase exponentially. Dates to be cautious are May 16 and 27, and June 19 and 29. Overall, these coming months are mostly challenging in a good way, with May 29 a catalyst for a new enterprising idea, friendship or partnership to take shape. Mid-June will show you just how much you can achieve.


May 16 is the time of Full Moon in Scorpio and also a total lunar eclipse. The two weeks building up to this climax highlight a creative burst. If any partners make surprising decisions that seem foolhardy, do not let Full Moon make you react. The jinks of planet Mars from May 27 suggest you don’t share any negative opinions; wait for July 5 to see if problems resolve themselves. Since May 29 kickstarts a cycle with financial potential, and June 11–16 gives you a much clearer picture of what you want, the best strategy is to go slow.


Since fortunate Jupiter enters your love and creativity sign on May 11 for five months, 2022 gets a new edge to it. May 20–24 is power-packed so prepare yourself well. Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14 has much to offer and is the climax of your year: Sun and Moon are both in harmony to Saturn, so this is a constructive time in which your efforts at building a new way of living are successful and enjoyable. Flexibility and self-honesty will allow healing from June 16–29. Tread lightly and enjoy your time.


That Capricorn combo of striving to reach your goals and deep privacy often obstructs good relating. The passage of Pluto through Capricorn since 2008 has tested you in this regard, but May 1–7 brings both Venus and Jupiter to mellow Pluto, as well as re-igniting your spirit of adventure. When Jupiter then enters your home and family area for five months beginning May 11, this becomes the focus of your greatest fulfilment. May 20–26 and June 15–29 take you to the next exciting stage.


The adage that “haste is waste” applies to Aquarius now, with ruler Saturn moving through your sign. Uranus is in your home zone and still forming its dance with Saturn, which may attract some unexpected curveballs. Uranus takes precedence from May 1–6, assisting necessary changes to flow smoothly. Maximise this, because delays are likely May 11 to Full Moon on 16 when Saturn takes charge. Happily, a new Jupiter cycle starts to expand your options from May 20 to June 29, with pleasures and creativity the harvest.


Ever questing on some level, the recent rare meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces continues to resonate through your choices. Your sense of meaning gains further definition in the first week of May, which begins with the 12-yearly meeting of Venus and Jupiter in Pisces. This is a catalyst, given practical depth by Pluto, that occurs on a New Moon that has the potential to activate new connections and thought patterns. Standout days are May 15–20 and June 12–19, and June 21’s Solstice gets you moving.


On May 11 beneficial Jupiter enters Aries and stays put for five months. This first taste of a new era for Aries is supported by the spiritual recharge of May 1–16. You come into your strongest action phase when Mars enters Aries on May 25, extended by its hook-up with Jupiter on May 29 and seeded by a New Moon in your communication sign on May 30. By June 14’s fiery Full Moon boost, Mercury comes to your aid. June 16–20 has strong potential for mixed media, social media and teaching related activities.


This is a special birthday month for Taurus, beginning with a solar eclipse at New Moon in Taurus, aligned with Awakener Uranus, sweetened by Venus and Jupiter. This fateful month opens the door on the high potential promised by Moon’s North Node in Taurus. May 1–16 is action time: May 16’s Full Moon and total lunar eclipse is especially helpful in bringing community and networking goals to fruition, assisted by a visionary thrust. Yet, any hard decisions need cautious restraint.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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