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Wellness Program for Depression

Having been in practice for many years its easy to take for granted what the alternative health industry has to offer to our clients. I was reminded of this fact when I met a new patient yesterday who came seeking support to address his depression. He came thinking that medication was the only way his […]

Healthy Eating for Generation Y

Generation Y you face many challenges such as moving away from home, starting work or study. These changes in lifestyle can cause dietary changes that are not always conducive to healthy eating. Binge drinking, recreational drug taking and fast food all take their toll sooner than later. As does going to bed late, texting, on the computer for hours and sleep deprivation.

Healthy Eating for Seniors

No matter how old you are healthy eating and exercise is imperative. It’s a matter of finding out what works for you and sticking to it. I stopped running when I started karate. Over Christmas I met a senior in her 60’s who has been running for over twenty years. I was inspired.


Beauty secrets of the East

The Chinese approach to health and beauty remains one of the most popular in the world, and it all begins with energy and balance.


Your guide to cathartic breathwork

Cathartic breathwork is a form of working with breath to access your deepest emotional levels. It promises to transcend other, talk-based therapies and may be the future of therapy.


Scenting your home

Pure essential oils are extracts from flowers, roots, leaves, fruits, grasses or woods and are so therapeutic they can affect your mood as they naturally scent your home or workplace.


Chiropractic care for kids

By having your child regularly assessed and adjusted by a chiropractor, you may be able to avoid many of the common illnesses and stresses which cause children’s health to suffer in the long term.

A holistic approach to natural skin care

The skin is usually the first organ to show signs of aging. How quickly this occurs depends on many factors including genetics and lifestyle. Anti aging results can be best achieved if you address your health holistically. Therefore a natural skin care should involve a healthy diet, using healing and rejuvenating qualities of botanicals in […]

Taking the natural health approach to men’s wellbeing

A large number of Australian men have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, smoke and/or drink too much, are overweight and don’t exercise regularly, increasing their risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Although 57 percent of people now use some form of alternative medicine, findings have been similar to that for allopathic medicine with natural health practitioners observing that, for the most part, it’s women who seem more proactive about their health. But, gradually more men are realising the need to take care of their bodies and minds. Taking a natural health perspective when it comes to men’s health is a beneficial choice.