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The Italian eco-village of Damanhur has been following its own unique path with a strong focus on social experimentation and spiritual exploration.


Is it time to have a good laugh?

Laughter is good for you. It is not being silly and not a distraction. It’s good to learn to laugh at home and at work and important to laugh with your colleagues. How much better to work in a happy environment?

Time To Play

It’s play time!

A life devoid of play hinders your ability to connect with others and identify with your true self, often leaving you feeling numb, as if on auto-pilot. Learn about yourself and connect better with others by rediscovering the vitality and joy of play.


Botox blowback

Using Botox to smooth away wrinkles has some long lasting, unexpected effects.


What is your heart age?

Although you can’t change your genetic predisposition or age-related factors that can lead to heart disease, you can take steps to control the other factors that can contribute.


How to be a healthy vegetarian

A vegetarian lifestyle can improve health, decrease global warming and prevent 100 animals each year, per person, from unnecessary cruelty.

Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

An acquaintance recently sent me this moving story about someone who in spite of great obstacles kept his dream alive.


Laugh medicine

Genuine laughter can reduce susceptibility to pain and has social effects too.

Don’t Forget The Fun!

I was about to complete my blog on Estrogen and the very big part it plays in breast cancer when a flood of emotions washed over me and the little voice said ‘you know what lets get back to the human side of cancer for a minute’.