When exploring our sense of spirituality, the term enlightenment is often encountered, but what does is actually mean to conquer this quest and be truly enlightened?
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The people who radiate the most happiness and joy in life are also those who take good care of their insides. Learning to nourish and worship the temples that are your miraculous body, mind and soul is fundamental to healthy, happy living.
Rates of autism are on the rise. Yet, where once the condition was seen as a psychiatric disorder, a biomedical approach is proving dietary intervention can be the basis of real change for this troubling condition.
HypnoBirthing provides a method and philosophy of preparation and birthing that aims to reduce, and sometimes remove, the pain associated with childbirth, allowing women to fully appreciate the miracle that it is.
Not only are dolphins amazing to watch, but these pacific pin-ups have incredible brains and social skills to match their beauty. Discover the healing influence these doctor dolphins are having on people worldwide
Homoeopathic remedies work on the emotions of the child and go to the root of the problem, unlike pharmaceuticals that may merely suppress symptoms.
To be in control of your own birthing experience is not necessarily to have a strict birth plan that has to go a certain way but to be open to the experience and whatever it may throw at you. Here is one woman’s amazing story.
Feeling blue, or wondering if you are ever meant to be truly happy? The answer is empowering. Here are 10 simple ways to live your happiest life today and get smiling!
The first meal of the day is often grabbed on the run or skipped altogether, but eating the right foods at breakfast can keep off the kilos, improve your mood and make your day.
What happens when you find yourself reaching your long sought-after goal, only to discover it’s not what you want any more?
Had a rough day, or just feeling a little out of sorts? Most people suffer from the blues from time to time. Here are some proven ways to boost your mood — naturally.
When the temperature outside soars, keep your body temperature down and your nutrient levels high by making your approach to meal preparation in tune with the season.