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To circumcise or not?

The complications associated with circumision are not as rare as parents are led to believe. One in every 200 cases end in side effects with one in 500 leading to serious complications.


Finding the answers with Horary astrology

Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.


10 acts of self-love

Love yourself. It’s a simple concept and, when practised daily, an easy and wonderful thing to do. Find out 10 ways you can start to love yourself today.

Insane Drain on the Membrane: Alcohol and Adolescents

Flick the memory switch and try cast your mind back to the precise moment you were introduced to alcohol. Remember roughly how old you were? Chances are you weren’t quite the legal drinking age and you probably weren’t aware of the threats early introduction to alcohol posed to your mental and social health, just like […]

How to make soap: make your own chemical-free soap

How to make your own chemical-free soap

Not sure what chemicals are in the soap you buy? The easy solution is to make your own. It takes only a small amount of effort and will help to lighten the chemical load on your body.


How a Health Retreat Can Help

Health retreat is the new buzz phrase in the travel industry but are they worth the money? And is good health actually attainable in one week or weekend?


Is a resort right for you?

Need a break but not sure what kind? Resorts offer a range of holiday experiences — from the sublimely restful to the madly adventurous.


The Upside of Feeling Down

Are there any positives to feeling depressed or anxious? There certainly can be, if you know what to look for! Find relief and healing if you ae feeling down.