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Living in a disposable world

Planned obsolescence is still a driver of the economy so how can you make more sustainable, less throw-away, choices?


The heat is on

Heat changes around your nose and eyes reveal when you are telling a lie.


How ‘green’ is your dentist?

Is your dentist ‘greening’ on you?Dentists all over the world are putting their heads together in an effort to make dentistry and its related industries (like materials and equipment manufacture and supply chains) more accountable and environmentally responsible.There are some very simple measures almost every practice can now put in place to become ‘greener’ now, but a lot more can be done in the future to make each dental practice as well as all the materials and equipment, truly eco-friendly.


10 tips for going green with your beauty routine

Some of the worst environmental offenders among the products we consume are personal care products and cosmetics. Follow these 10 principles for sustaining your beauty routine without it costing the earth.


The population puzzle

Increasing numbers of people, including environmentalists, are tuning into the idea that human numbers may have reached an excessive level.


Detox your home

Toxic air pollutants lurking indoors can cause headaches, lethargy, and aggravate asthma symptoms and, according to the NSW Environmental Trust, that’s just the beginning


Why you shouldn’t shop until you drop!

Shopping has evolved from being a necessary chore to one of the primary leisure activities in Western countries like Australia and New Zealand. There is a common perception that consumerism is innate and that the love of shopping is hard-wired into people: unfortunately, history suggests otherwise.