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Do you need an emotional detox?

Emotional detoxing focuses on finding love and safety from within and can leave you feeling lighter, clearer, energised and ready to make overdue changes to both your personal and professional life.


Do you need an emotional detox?

Emotional detoxing focuses on finding love and safety from within and can leave you feeling lighter, clearer, energised and ready to make overdue changes to both your personal and professional life.

Laughing & stress release

Laughing is one of the best known remedies of a lot of illnesses. People have been known to laugh themselves well from cancer or to stop anxiety attacks through learning how to laugh. It can also seriously lighten your mood and your outlook on life and reduce stress and anxiety. Laughing is a lot more […]


How Venus affects your love life

Your Venus sign speaks worlds about your relationship needs and how you express love. Get to know your inner Venus and foster healthier relationships!


The return to ritual

Discover why the renaissance of ancient rituals in Western spa treatments is one of the most sacred offerings of the 21st century.

Of money and turnips

Before we get into today’s business, I should take a moment to explain my purpose in this blog. The name of the blog is a dead giveaway really…here we look at the world through the prism of a glass turnip; we see the world as it really is. We take on environmental and social issues […]


The facts about factory farming

With the environment, human health and animal welfare under siege, the detrimental effects of factory farming are a serious and growing concern, but consumers have the power to transform the farming industry for the better.


10 instant mood boosters

Feeling down and out lately? Don’t despair. Discover 10 simple, instant ways to lift your spirits and get smiling again!


Anti-ageing facial rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation Technique is derived from the wisdom of ancient Ayurvedic healers, combining the anti-ageing benefits of yoga, energy balancing, body massage, acupressure, lymphatic drainage and head massage.