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Natural therapies to fight the flu

Winter is the season of cold weather and the common cold and flu. Here are some great natural therapies to help prevent and fight the flu this winter.


Where does your food come from?

It’s possible to be an ethical omnivore if you care enough to find out where your food came from, how it lived and died and what it ate — and are willing to pay a bit more to benefit the farmers, the animals, the planet and yourself.


The zen of running

The steady pounding of feet proves to be a form of moving meditation for one long-distance runner. So what lessons can be learned as kilometre after kilometre clicks past?

Linky goodness

Need a diversion? Check out the sites that have been lifting our spirits this week. The World Needs all Kinds of MindsTemple Grandin suffers from autism and in her talk at the 2010 TED (Technology, Entertinment, Design) conference raises the point that this diagnosis should not be regarded as a negative, but as something to […]


The power of pleasure

Put the self-denial on hold. Giving in to our pleasures can be a pathway to healing if we approach them with a spirit of mindfulness.


What is enlightenment?

When exploring our sense of spirituality, the term enlightenment is often encountered, but what does is actually mean to conquer this quest and be truly enlightened?


How to deal with parent guilt

What can you do when you make the painful discovery that something you have done has hurt your child? We look at coping with the guilt and moving on as a successful and happy parent.


Your quick-fix mood-boosting toolkit

Had a rough day, or just feeling a little out of sorts? Most people suffer from the blues from time to time. Here are some proven ways to boost your mood — naturally.


How music can improve your health

The concept of bioacoustics is based on some powerful insights into the fundamental nature of matter and energy. Discover how bioacoustics of music can improve your health.

sonic therapy

What is sonic therapy?

Frequencies of vibration and neural-emotional stimulation trigger sonic healing by means of sensory immersion in sound. Combining primitive and modern-day techniques, sonic healing is taking the allopathic medical world by ear.