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Demystifying detox

Toxins and chemicals can be eliminated from the body through detoxification. Here is an overview of the history, methods, benefits, and cautions for detox.


Feeling fertile?

Here’s how you can maximise your chances of making a baby when the time comes.


DIY Thermal therapy at home

Thermal therapy has been used since ancient civilisations to detoxify and cleanse the skin. In a time and space-poor modern society, we describe how you can experience the luxury of thermal therapy inside your own home.

slow living

What is the slow living movement?

Slow living is rediscovering the rhythms of life and experiencing the people, places and events that are usually a blur as you rush from one must-do task to another.

Credit: Julia Caesar

Are you a pitta-type?

The second in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess pitta (fire) in the body.


Are you a kapha-type?

Third in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess kapha (water and earth) in the body.


How to regain your flexibility

Modern-day comforts such as chairs are not as user-friendly as you might think, so how can you ensure your body stays flexible? Keep reading to find out.