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Are you a kapha-type?

Third in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess kapha (water and earth) in the body.


How to regain your flexibility

Modern-day comforts such as chairs are not as user-friendly as you might think, so how can you ensure your body stays flexible? Keep reading to find out.


How to beat arthritis

Arthritis doesn’t have to get you down. Here are some easy ways to prevent and combat joint pain.

gaia spa

Revitalise at Gaia Retreat and Spa

Taking time out for solitude and self-nurture at this health haven can restore your energy as you reconnect with your body, mind and spirit.

Slow Ageing With Sleep

How to slow ageing with sleep

Getting to bed after midnight or lying in too late in the morning? Then your body may not be getting enough sleep to repair cells, boost immunity and balance your hormones and weight. Anti aging tips.


What do colours mean? Part I

Every colour represents a set of emotions, a state of being – say, white which advocates freedom, purity and enlightenment. Preferences for colours reflect elements of our personality. Indeed, the psychology of colours is far more complex than what meets the eye.