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Found 2022 Posts


Ayurvedic beauty

In the Ayurvedic tradition, beauty treatments are more than just a luxury, they are a way of living. Adopt these intoxicating rituals into your lifestyle and enjoy the difference.


Find Sanctuary in a Spa

Spas are everywhere you turn these days. They offer many ways to nurture your body and soul, but how do you choose? Here’s a guide to what you can expect from your spa experience.


When Mars is in Taurus

How will the transit of energetic, desirous Mars through slow-moving, pleasure-loving Taurus affect you?


Gardening for Fitness

The garden brings peace, happiness and … exercise? Maintaining a garden can be just as physically demanding as playing a sport, so you should be sure to warm up properly to protect your back, wrist and knees.


Healing power of Om

The mediation chant, “om”, has links with healing and creativity. Find out what is happening in your body and mind when you utter this sacred sound.


In the company of angels

Countless books have been written about them, film and TV shows are fascinated by them and a large number of people believe in their existence. So what is it about angels that has us so enraptured?


Animal mysticism

Why did the chicken cross the road? Possibly to give you a message. Discover how real encounters with animals and dream visitations can reveal important insights.


The case for organic food

While family budgets are tight, should we still be eating organic food? Is it any better for us? Why is conventional food not good enough?

berries fruit healthy summer

Antioxidants to the rescue

Since antioxidants burst into the public’s awareness, they’ve been regarded as the good guys of nutrition. So what is the latest on antioxidants and how do you get your share?