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Grass Roots Yoga

“These days, my yoga practice is teaching me to embrace imperfection: to have compassion for all the ways things haven’t turned out as I planned, in my body and in my life – for the ways things keep falling apart, and failing, and breaking down. It’s less about fixing things, and more about learning to be present for exactly what is.”


Fathers raising sons

The bonds forged between father and son are responsible for guiding every young boy into manhood. Careful and committed fathering equips boys with the tools needed to succeed as grown men later in life.


Scorpio in 2011

2011 is like two years rolled into one for Scorpio, as Jupiter changes signs mid-year, helping you switch focus from work to love. Expect growth and new experiences in both areas.


Do you need a life coach?

If you have been feeling unmotivated, uninspired or powerless in any way, hiring a life coach may turn out to be the most powerful decision you could make.

Intention of Yoga…

I was looking for something to show to some curious teenagers who were stitting around our dining table trying to work out what kind of yoga centre they wanted to go to. I guess it gave me cause for thought on my recent bitch about yoga celebritism… there’s nothing like a spontaneous leadership moment to remind you that you are also just another kid in the wilderness…


Mothers and daughters

The intensity of the relationship between mother and daughter can be either magical or maddening, and always complex. Building a mutual sense of trust and understanding is the first step to deciphering mother-daughter dynamics.


Love your body

Learning to enjoy and celebrate your body is a process that involves embracing self-awareness and letting go of self-criticism.


Fathers and daughters

The experience of fatherhood is unique with as many different pathways as there are men to travel them. Even so, there are some things every dad should know about his daughter.


How to deal with parent guilt

What can you do when you make the painful discovery that something you have done has hurt your child? We look at coping with the guilt and moving on as a successful and happy parent.