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A castle fit for a king

These two tales of Australian castles are a testament to the endurance of hope and the inspiration dreams can provide.

father and son harvesting strawberries in greenhouse

Keep your gut healthy

A healthy digestive system could be the key to improving neurological conditions such as ADHD and autism in children or anxiety and depression in adults.


Eating and drinking your way to youth

The best anti-ageing agents are natural and in plain sight. Adopting your diet to include shellfish, legumes and vegetables like capsicum and eggplants as well as having adequate water intake can be the start to a new and youthful outlook.

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Reflexology for pets

Natural remedies and therapies are not only beneficial for humans but are becoming increasingly popular with our pets especially animal reflexology.


Life in the Arctic

Take a voyage into the Arctic to observe the lives of the Inuit people and the unique natural environment.


Is salt bad for you?

Do you know how much salt is in your diet? Many of us consume far too much of it, resulting in health concerns such as high blood pressure and possibly cardiovascular disease and cancer. So how can we control the salt in our diet?


Healing power of Om

The mediation chant, “om”, has links with healing and creativity. Find out what is happening in your body and mind when you utter this sacred sound.

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Help your child make the best choices

Knowing how to be a responsible adult does not arrive on one’s 18th birthday; it’s achieved gradually over years of practice in making choices both good and bad.


Guilty as a dog

Do dogs really mean it when they give you the big guilty eyes?


Heal old hurts

Could forgotten pain from your childhood be the cause of repeated patterns in your life? Find out how to uncover and heal these old wounds.