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Ayurvedic beauty

In the Ayurvedic tradition, beauty treatments are more than just a luxury, they are a way of living. Adopt these intoxicating rituals into your lifestyle and enjoy the difference.


How a Health Retreat Can Help

Health retreat is the new buzz phrase in the travel industry but are they worth the money? And is good health actually attainable in one week or weekend?


The Upside of Feeling Down

Are there any positives to feeling depressed or anxious? There certainly can be, if you know what to look for! Find relief and healing if you ae feeling down.


Acupuncture for Autumn

Throughout the year, as the seasons change, so to do our bodies. Autumn brings with it the need to address the needs of particular parts of our bodies.


Healing power of Om

The mediation chant, “om”, has links with healing and creativity. Find out what is happening in your body and mind when you utter this sacred sound.


The end of oil?

Oil is a non-renewable fuel source that we’re consuming at a rate of 82 million barrels (13 billion litres) every day. Experts predict that we are likely to run out of oil, so what are we to do when that happens?


The case for organic food

While family budgets are tight, should we still be eating organic food? Is it any better for us? Why is conventional food not good enough?

berries fruit healthy summer

Antioxidants to the rescue

Since antioxidants burst into the public’s awareness, they’ve been regarded as the good guys of nutrition. So what is the latest on antioxidants and how do you get your share?