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Finding the answers with Horary astrology

Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.


10 acts of self-love

Love yourself. It’s a simple concept and, when practised daily, an easy and wonderful thing to do. Find out 10 ways you can start to love yourself today.


Rejuvenate your ageing immune system

As we age, our bodies are less likely to produce the immune cells we need to stay young on the inside. Learn which hormones stimulate immunity and how.


Alchemists of Prague

Renaissance Prague was a centre of alchemy and intrigue. The city’s mystery carries on to the modern day and draws travellers from near and far to discover its secrets.


Is salt bad for you?

Do you know how much salt is in your diet? Many of us consume far too much of it, resulting in health concerns such as high blood pressure and possibly cardiovascular disease and cancer. So how can we control the salt in our diet?


The low-salt diet

Worried about the amount of salt that might be creeping, unseen, into your diet? Here’s how to eat a low-salt diet without sacrificing taste or enjoyment.


Your guide to Japanese spa rituals

The experience of staying at a ryokan – a traditional inn built around a thermal spring – is the epitome of grace and not to be missed.


Glowin’ in the Wind

As the debate around our future power sources swirls ever faster, what part will wind-generated power play in the overall picture?


Ayurvedic beauty

In the Ayurvedic tradition, beauty treatments are more than just a luxury, they are a way of living. Adopt these intoxicating rituals into your lifestyle and enjoy the difference.


The Upside of Feeling Down

Are there any positives to feeling depressed or anxious? There certainly can be, if you know what to look for! Find relief and healing if you ae feeling down.


How to heal with journaling

Just the act of naming an emotion will help you move towards dealing with it, so imagine what writing about your feelings can do! Discover the healing power of journalling.