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Are you caught in the weight-loss dieting trap?

The faster your weight loss, the less discerning your body is about what it burns for energy. This means that when dieting, you may be losing a startling 60 per cent muscle and only 40 per cent fat. Here’s how to avoid this dieting trap!


Weight loss and burning fat

Speeding up your metabolism is the secret to weight loss, burning more body fat and enjoying higher energy levels.


Where does your food come from?

It’s possible to be an ethical omnivore if you care enough to find out where your food came from, how it lived and died and what it ate — and are willing to pay a bit more to benefit the farmers, the animals, the planet and yourself.


What is kundalini yoga?

Known as the yoga of awareness, kundalini yoga has the potential to awaken your unlimited potential through a combination of various poses, breathing, chanting and meditative practices.


Tired of feeling tired?

We all feel run-down from time to time, but if your energy levels are frequently on the low side, it may pay to check the level of your cortisol and thyroid hormones. Get these sorted out and you’ll be feeling bouncy again.


Living from the inside out

The people who radiate the most happiness and joy in life are also those who take good care of their insides. Learning to nourish and worship the temples that are your miraculous body, mind and soul is fundamental to healthy, happy living.


How to treat autism naturally

Rates of autism are on the rise. Yet, where once the condition was seen as a psychiatric disorder, a biomedical approach is proving dietary intervention can be the basis of real change for this troubling condition.


The benefits of drinking tea

Many of us enjoy a good and soothing cup of tea every now and again. But there is much more to tea than a pleasant drinking experience. Discover the health benefits of a good ol’ cuppa!

sonic therapy

What is sonic therapy?

Frequencies of vibration and neural-emotional stimulation trigger sonic healing by means of sensory immersion in sound. Combining primitive and modern-day techniques, sonic healing is taking the allopathic medical world by ear.


Is red wine good for you?

With a glass of wine in hand we often toast to our good health — so what benefits, exactly, are contained within the most popular of social drinks?


How to have a lucid dream

As you read these words, do you know for sure you are awake and not in a lifelike dream? What criteria would you use to tell the difference? On the surface, these sound like highly absurd questions, but if transposed to the world of dreams they can provide the key to a realm of nearly unlimited possibility.