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Enlightenment through yoga

In the yogic tradition, life is understood in terms of light. Through yoga practice you can truly reach enlightenment.


Yoga for asthmatics

An Eastern approach to what causes asthma and how to treat it through yoga, food and nutrition and other natural remedies.


How to balance out your body

Unless you are ambidextrous and feel comfortable performing most tasks with either hand, your body is in a constant state of imbalance, favouring either the left or the right. Setting out to redress this tension can lead to an opening of the mind and an appreciation for being in the moment.


12 diverse styles of yoga

Many of us consider yoga to consist of physical exercises (hatha yoga), however this is only one aspect of yogic practices. Over time, diverse styles of yoga have evolved and here we describe 12 styles, including the modern yogalates

close up of woman hands in namaste gesture outdoor shot mudra yoga spirit

The power of yoga mudras

By using the ancient yogic practice of mudras we’re able to alter our mood and attitude as well as encourage healing within our bodies.


How to fight a cold with yoga and ayurveda

Ayurveda has been used for centuries to fight the common cold, coughs and minor throat infections. Specific yoga postures can also aid circulation and promote the expulsion of congested phlegm. Keep reading for tips on yoga poses and ayurvedic recipes to fight off a cold!


Use yoga to achieve a clearer voice

Have you ever choked on your words? Felt them shrivel into a pile of nothingness and get stuck in your throat? Chances are you need to get your voice moving – with yoga.