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China: the birthplace of Zen

Stunning scenes, soulful temples with kung fu monks and an enigmatic, inspiring culture are just some of the treasures awaiting travellers to China.


What is a mystical experience?

Mystical experiences are eye-opening and give a person an insider’s view into spirituality. People report a state of joy and ecstasy after such insight. But how significant is a mystical experience? Keep reading to find out!


Are you a vata-type?

The first in our three-part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess vata (air) in the body.

Credit: Julia Caesar

Are you a pitta-type?

The second in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess pitta (fire) in the body.


How to regain your flexibility

Modern-day comforts such as chairs are not as user-friendly as you might think, so how can you ensure your body stays flexible? Keep reading to find out.

stress_adrenal exhaustion_welbeingcomau

Achieving balance and avoiding adrenal exhaustion

Are you someone who keeps on going even when you’re exhausted? Are you getting messages to slow down but are not listening to them? It’s possible you may be addicted to stress and could be heading for adrenal exhaustion


Yoga for kids

Yoga is a fun way to get children of any age active. Yoga also has spiritual and mental benefits, beyond what can be found in other childrens’ activities.


How to beat arthritis

Arthritis doesn’t have to get you down. Here are some easy ways to prevent and combat joint pain.


The truth about dance

Dance can be a ritual, a means of celebration and a form of entertainment, but it can also be something more. In fact, dance is a mode of human expression that harnesses secrets of the universe!