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Sibling psychology

Rivalry between siblings can cause real psychological harm if not managed well.


What ecopsychology can teach us about healing

Ecopsychology is a relatively new professional field linking ecology with psychology. It believes we can use the natural environment to heal our psyche while also helping heal the environment itself.

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The Path to Body Neutrality

In a world of unrelenting beauty standards, is it possible to love your body? Emma Nuttall reflects on an alternativ route to self-acceptance — body neutrality.

low-intensity exercise

Get your bounce back

Slower, low-intensity exercise is very much in vogue, but for feelgood endorphins and cardiovascular fitness, nothing beats exercise that involves jumping up and down.

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Yoga for a flexible mind

Flexibility is a central component of life when it comes to your physical and mental health. Discover how neuroscience and psychology highlight the importance of “cognitive flexibility” and the Vedic approach to maintaining holistic flexibility

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Do you have a problem with procrastination?

Do you struggle to get started? Do you wish you could sustain your motivation? Procrastination can stop you from achieving, reaching your full potential and feeling good about yourself. The journey of overcoming procrastination begins with understanding why you procrastinate — and it might not be what you expect.

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Hug me do

Hugging has its roots deep in our evolutionary tree, but its effects are healing and very relevant to the challenges of modern life.

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The power of resonance

How did you arrive to the life you have now? Where will you go next?
By understanding resonance we can be more aware of how inner and outer energies influence us and be better captains of our own ships.

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The Vagus Nerve: Your Key to Stress Relief

The vagus nerve has become a popular term used in the health and wellness space, but what exactly is the vagus nerve? How can it enhance your ability to deal with stress and improve your wellbeing? Let’s look at this incredible nerve in your body.