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Henry Blooms Bio-Fermented Wheatgrass with Beetroot and Carrot

The natural superfood nutrition of Wheatgrass, Beetroot and Carrot is enriched by bio-fermentation in this alkalising, raw probiotic drink to maintain a healthy digestive tract, supply a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, and deliver 30% of the daily recommended vegetable intake per serve! Great for fussy eaters or busy people on the go, Henry […]

Gluten-Free and Delicious Buckwheat Kasha Recipe

Buckwheat Kasha Recipe

Kasha is a traditional Russian dish that can be made from any kind of grain. In this recipe, I’ve used buckwheat because I like its nutty flavour.

Gluten-Free and Delicious Buckwheat Blinis Recipe

Buckwheat Blinis Recipe

Blinis are essentially a little pancake that can be served with a savoury or sweet topping. You will love these Gluten-Free and Delicious Buckwheat Blinis!

Smoked Salmon and Buckwheat Wraps Recipe

Smoked Salmon and Buckwheat Wraps Recipe

Despite its name, buckwheat is not part of the wheat family. It’s a gluten-free grain that has a beautiful earthy and nutty flavour. Try it out in these delicious wraps.

Lee Holmes' Buckwheat Pasta with Flaked Trout

Buckwheat Pasta with Trout

By swapping out traditional, white pasta and adding in nutrient-rich eggs and buckwheat pasta, this dish gains many health-giving properties.