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Governed by happiness in Bhutan

The people of Bhutan have been governed with a policy for happiness over the last thirty years. How would this policy function in a Western commercial materialistic world?

Slow Ageing With Sleep

How to slow ageing with sleep

Getting to bed after midnight or lying in too late in the morning? Then your body may not be getting enough sleep to repair cells, boost immunity and balance your hormones and weight. Anti aging tips.


Are omega-3 fatty acids better than omega-6?

It’s important to have a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in our diet. Excessive omega-6 has been shown to provoke inflammatory reactions. Keep reading for some great recipes to boost your omega-3 and lower your omega-6 intake!


How to drive sustainably

With advances in technology and a few changes to our habits, we can create a better, more environmentally-friendly way to drive.


The abdominal brain

The abdominal brain plays a vital role in our health. The abdominal brain receives and generates nerve forces, presides over nutrition and is the centre of life itself.


Ocean therapy

The seven seas are more than just enormous bodies of saltwater. Discover the myriad therepeutic uses for this life-giving resource.


How to take care of your hypertension

Hypertension affects over a quarter of all Australians and can lead to serious repercussions if left unchecked. Through yoga and Ayurveda, there are simple ways to alleviate this stress.

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Yoga for diabetes

The practice of yoga brings the body, mind and spirit into harmony. In this state, free of worries and stress, a great amount of healing can take place on all levels.

Chai Tea

Make your own sweet and spicy masala chai

For comfort on a cold winter’s morning, nothing can beat the wonderful warming brew known as masala chai. Based on a traditional Indian recipe, the tea is chock full of health benefits.


How to manage blood sugar levels

Giving in to cravings for sweets can cause all sorts of health problems, but there are ways to help your body to deal with sugar more effectively.


The facts on fats

Studies have revealed that there is a link between trans-fatty acids and breast cancer, which raises the questions: which fats are good for us and which are bad for us?

pre-conc 2

Have a healthy baby

There is growing evidence that your maternal health at conception and during pregnancy is a strong indicator of the health status of your baby into adulthood. Preconception healthcare is vital.