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A castle fit for a king

These two tales of Australian castles are a testament to the endurance of hope and the inspiration dreams can provide.


Yoga for creativity

If your creativity is lacking, don’t despair. Fuel your creative fire by restoring and building on your energy reserves.


Why saying sorry is important

Saying sorry is a powerfully connecting act that can soothe wounds, strengthen relationships and initiate a new beginning.


How to spread joy with a smile

A smile is such a simple thing and the emotional, physical and mental benefits it brings are wide-ranging. But if you’re having a bad day, how can you turn that frown upside-down?


How to take care of your hypertension

Hypertension affects over a quarter of all Australians and can lead to serious repercussions if left unchecked. Through yoga and Ayurveda, there are simple ways to alleviate this stress.


The power of language

Words convey love, offer hope, communicate vital information and reduce pain. Words wound, provoke anger, end close relationships and start wars. Shouldn’t we use them a little more wisely?


A solid start

Time to move past the milk? Give your baby a solid start to eating by taking these points into consideration.