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Ginseng the immune booster

Whether you need an energy boost or support for a stressed immune system, one of the five ginsengs will have you covered.

Assortment of legumes, grain and seeds

Your complete vitamin E guide

Vitamin E is responsible for a wide range of functions in the body. Learn about the benefits of supplementing Tocopherols today.


All about saunas and detoxing

Heat and vapour have been key components in purifying rituals around the world since ancient times. Since then, the art of the sauna has been refined, modernised and technologised, bringing even greater benefits


How to stimulate your metabolism

Say goodbye to temporary weight loss methods and boost your metabolism with stimulating foods, exercise and some well-though-out lifestyle changes.

Sex, lies and stereotypes

Is sushi and sake the key to living a long life?

The Japanese diet includes foods with very low cholesterol content and is practically free from the saturated “bad” fats abundantly present in red meat, dairy produce and butter. Instead, the Japanese diet is predominantly seafood; fish, rich in polyunsaturated “good” fats, and seaweeds that contain high amounts of iodine as well as minerals which are both healthy and create the Japanese unrivalled flavours.


What you should know about detox diets

Detoxification programs are many and varied and trying to decide which one is the most suitable for you, let alone embarking on it, can be a daunting prospect. So here is the lowdown on your detoxifying options.


A burning topic: how to best use incense

The natural aromas created by burning incense can focus the mind, alleviate depression, heighten spiritual awareness and even disinfect the air, but scientific research is also finding risks in inhaling the smoke. Moderation could be the key to beneficial use.