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What is the best way to treat IBS?

IBS is a common chronic compliant that affects 12% of the population. Since its aetiology is unknown, treatment options are currently limited. However some natural remedies, including TCM have been tried and tested and show promise for the treatment of IBS.


What do colours mean? Part II

Colours symbolise our emotions, state of mind and personality. The psychology of colours is complex and in this second part of our three part series, we look at the true meaning of yellow, brown, grey and red.

slow living

What is the slow living movement?

Slow living is rediscovering the rhythms of life and experiencing the people, places and events that are usually a blur as you rush from one must-do task to another.

how to start creative writing

How to start creative writing

Creative writing can be an alluring ideal. But how do you go about starting to write for a career or even a hobby? Keep reading to find out!

stress_adrenal exhaustion_welbeingcomau

Achieving balance and avoiding adrenal exhaustion

Are you someone who keeps on going even when you’re exhausted? Are you getting messages to slow down but are not listening to them? It’s possible you may be addicted to stress and could be heading for adrenal exhaustion

gaia spa

Revitalise at Gaia Retreat and Spa

Taking time out for solitude and self-nurture at this health haven can restore your energy as you reconnect with your body, mind and spirit.


Keeping Christmas joyous

Families and Christmas don’t always mix well. People often describe a regression to childhood inadequacies and feelings of anger and anxiety. Understanding your role in the family and adopting a compassionate approach may just be the real “gift” of Christmas.