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DIY Thermal therapy at home

Thermal therapy has been used since ancient civilisations to detoxify and cleanse the skin. In a time and space-poor modern society, we describe how you can experience the luxury of thermal therapy inside your own home.


The abdominal brain

The abdominal brain plays a vital role in our health. The abdominal brain receives and generates nerve forces, presides over nutrition and is the centre of life itself.


What is Codex?

What is Codex Alimentarius and will these prospective new food rules affect our access to nutritional supplements and herbal remedies?


Get regular with yoga for breakfast!

Take care of your digestion and bowel issues with regular servings of yoga for breakfast. Learn about various poses that will help you keep things moving along nicely.


Is soy really good for you?

Is soy a superfood or the devil in your diet? WellBeing explores the facts about this increasingly popular food.