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Natural therapies for palliative care

Natural therapies are now being employed to enhance pain relief and bring comfort and peace to people in palliative care as well as for their friends and family.


The coffee myth

Your early morning cup of coffee may not be the pick up that you think.

Detox for wellbeing

Detox for wellbeing

This guide to naturopathic cleansing offers great tips on the healthy and natural way to detox your body and catapult into longlasting health and wellbeing.


How to age gracefully

There are better ways than surgery and expensive cosmetics to counteract the effects of ageing.


Tired of feeling tired?

We all feel run-down from time to time, but if your energy levels are frequently on the low side, it may pay to check the level of your cortisol and thyroid hormones. Get these sorted out and you’ll be feeling bouncy again.


Your guide to choosing a massage therapy

With so many exotic styles of massage therapy to choose from, the challenge is finding the right one for you. Here are the facts to make your decision a little easier.


Is coffee really bad for you?

Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity, only deferring to oil, and is the most traded food. It is a social lubricant but has real impacts on your body. So how should you drink it and how much should you have?


How to stay strong as you age

As you age, it’s likely that your muscle strength will decrease, but specific resistance training exercises can maintain your strength by training your brain.


Load up on luscious lemons

The lemon is undoubtedly the most widely grown fruit and has the greatest number of uses, including therapeutic, medicinal and cosmetic. Find out how this wonder fruit can enhance your wellbeing.


How to do yoga at home

The benefits of practising yoga at home extend far beyond being able to set your own schedule. Whether it is to improve your abilities or develop an increased spiritual awareness, home is where the yogic art is.