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adrenal fatigue

What is adrenal fatigue

Karen Bridgman shares a case study of a 40-year-old company executive and mother of two children who suffer from adrenal fatigue and shares the treatments and strategies she implemented to overcome and feel herself again.

Breaking up with a friend

How to know when to let a friend go

How do you know when a friendship is no longer working for you? We find out how to identify a toxic friend, and the best way to cleanse your social circle.

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The Moon and You

The Moon represents people in general and is motivated by connection, collection and communion

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For the love of animals

Since COVID-19 began, dog and cat adoptions increased by a whopping 250 percent worldwide. Caring for a pet can enhance your quality of life by easing loneliness and isolation, stimulating movement, boosting your mood, and more. We take a look.

Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang Belly bodywork

Have you ever suffered from abdominal aches, gas, constipation or diarrhoea? Tummy troubles can make life miserable. For a smiling stomach consider
a Chi Nei Tsang treatment.

bone density

How to manage our bone density as we age

Bone mineral density is a measure of bone strength. The main areas of potential concern are the spine, particularly the lower spine, and the hip joint and upper femur.

Perimenopause How To Handle It

Perimenopause – what is it and how to handle it?

Perimenopause happens to you because your body is starting to run out of female eggs and your hormones begin to change. It has a number of symptoms which can make you feel quite ill. Here’s how to handle it.

Teaching hope | Wellbeing 200

Building rainbows in children’s minds

Exalted as one of the three most important virtues of Christianity, and a powerful force enabling us to battle the inevitable obstacles of life, hope is a less-examined, vital ingredient for a happy, healthy childhood and adult life.

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Living the wabi sabi life

Wabi sabi is a Japanese aesthetic that appreciates beauty in imperfection, simplicity and the passage of time. Find out how you can welcome wabi sabi into your life.

Ariel image of the Murray–Darling Basin

Concerns facing the Murray–Darling Basin

The Murray–Darling Basin in southeastern Australia is a wide catchment that extends across four states and the Australian Capital Territory, covering more than a million square kilometres and representing about one-seventh of Australia’s total land area. Its management is one of Australia’s largest and most complex environmental challenges.

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Why puppy farms are an issue

Over the last 18 months I’ve seen an increasing number of puppies presenting for their first wellness check. This should be an exciting time for new puppy carers, but sadly, too many are already unwell, due to stress, illness and poor socialisation.