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22 healing herbs

Here is Wellbeing’s guide to 22 herbal remedies that can bring great benefits for your mind and body.


Get regular with yoga for breakfast!

Take care of your digestion and bowel issues with regular servings of yoga for breakfast. Learn about various poses that will help you keep things moving along nicely.


Yoga and your menstrual cycle

Menstruation is a time of intuition and deep insight. Gentle yoga asanas will take the discomfort and stress out of menstruation so you can embrace the reflective energy and just be with yourself.


Ocean therapy

The seven seas are more than just enormous bodies of saltwater. Discover the myriad therepeutic uses for this life-giving resource.


How to spread joy with a smile

A smile is such a simple thing and the emotional, physical and mental benefits it brings are wide-ranging. But if you’re having a bad day, how can you turn that frown upside-down?


How to heal with flower essences

Flower essences have been used for the last five centuries. From emotional balancing to releasing resentment – there is a flower essence that can help you achieve clarity in your life.

body yoga

A flexible pregnancy?

Take time to stretch, breathe, relax and meditate during your pregnancy. This is the perfect way to create a positive pregnancy for yourself and your baby.

Chai Tea

Make your own sweet and spicy masala chai

For comfort on a cold winter’s morning, nothing can beat the wonderful warming brew known as masala chai. Based on a traditional Indian recipe, the tea is chock full of health benefits.

5 delicious and nutritious seaweed recipes by wholefood chef Pete Evans

Is seaweed a superfood?

Think seaweed is all washed up? Not so. This superfood offers high mineral content and health benefits that range from maintaining brain function to decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure.