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The fat hormone

Insulin may be the culprit of weight gain and the inability to lose fat. Discover why and how to lower insulin levels.

transpersonal art therapy

What is Transpersonal Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a creative, personal way to access the inner wisdom and strength needed to overcome the stresses and hardships of our lives.


CO2 hits high

Summary: Carbon dioxide generated by energy production have hit record levels.


Find an exercise rhythm for your detox

Key detoxification processes are all enhanced by exercise. While it seems that any sort of exercise helps, there are certain types that will really jump-start a cleanse.

Don’t Forget The Fun!

I was about to complete my blog on Estrogen and the very big part it plays in breast cancer when a flood of emotions washed over me and the little voice said ‘you know what lets get back to the human side of cancer for a minute’.

Going Vegan for One Week

I met so many fascinating people at the Vegan Expo in Sydney over the weekend who live a vegan lifestyle and embrace the benefits of it – from effortless weight loss, reversal of diseases, increased environmental responsibility and spiritual awareness (just to name a few) – it was truly eye opening for me to meet such enthusiasts and it left an impression on me. So I wanted to put myself to the test to see how I could bring these added benefits to my life. Good bye meat, fish, milk, eggs – or anything that comes from an animal – for a full week.


Smelling hunger

A hormone involved in appetite also influences your sense of smell.


Yoga detox

This article focuses on how to release toxins from the physical body caused by mental and emotional imbalance using the modalities of yoga and Ayurveda


Love Your Water

Just as I always encourage putting love and good energy into your food as you prepare it, your water too will respond to a little loving.

Does my child need multivitamins?

Did you know that studies show that a multivitamin each day improves cognitive function of children and is just as important as them eating breakfast every day?