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How to control comfort food cravings

Understanding the link between brain chemistry, emotions and cravings can help you develop effective strategies to reduce the urge to reach for comfort food.


Your guide to detoxes for wellbeing

This guide to naturopathic cleansing offers great tips on the healthy and natural way to detox your body and catapult into longlasting health and wellbeing.


The liver vitamin

Vitamin E can protect the liver against a condition caused by modern living.

Detox for wellbeing

Detox for wellbeing

This guide to naturopathic cleansing offers great tips on the healthy and natural way to detox your body and catapult into longlasting health and wellbeing.


Nuts to cholesterol

Nuts lower your cholesterol levels but the effects can vary from person to person.


Where does your food come from?

It’s possible to be an ethical omnivore if you care enough to find out where your food came from, how it lived and died and what it ate — and are willing to pay a bit more to benefit the farmers, the animals, the planet and yourself.


Mental detox

Various toxins that can thwart efficient function of the brain and entire nervous system. Here’s how to protect your brain and get rid of those toxins.


The power of pleasure

Put the self-denial on hold. Giving in to our pleasures can be a pathway to healing if we approach them with a spirit of mindfulness.