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Play power

Kids may be being harmed by overprotective parents.

Keeping fit while you travel

Travel is fun and exciting but whether it’s for business or pleasure it can take its toll on your fitness levels.


Café au sun-block

Caffeine might help block skin damage from UV light but is it an answer to skin cancer?


Healthy Living and Healthy Eating – Preparing for IVF

So you’ve been to the doctor and the recommendation is IVF. No doubt you will have many thoughts rushing through your mind. Taking hormones, needles in the stomach, nasal spray to create a temporary state of menopause. It is all pretty scary stuff.

Yoga Practice

“Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success”
– Some yoga wisdom from Hatha Yoga Pradipika

What do your teeth say about you?

Learning about your oral health and seeing a dental professional is an important part of your road to perfect health. Education and a trusting relationship with your dental team make all the difference. Dentistry, that not-so-sexy word, then becomes evocative of a certain cleanliness and confidence, a sense of ownership of your own health and only encouragement and support from those trained to look after you.

Cleanse the body

I just recently did a cleanse. It was a 10 day program with herbal capsules and a strict diet. That meant doing without all the things I have grown accustomed. Tea (sweet tea with milk), sugar, carbs, alcohol basically everything except fruit and veggies.