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Fathers and daughters

The experience of fatherhood is unique with as many different pathways as there are men to travel them. Even so, there are some things every dad should know about his daughter.


The power of pleasure

Put the self-denial on hold. Giving in to our pleasures can be a pathway to healing if we approach them with a spirit of mindfulness.


Can astrology help you through midlife?

The years between the ages of 35 and 50 represent the midlife. Becoming familiar with the outer planetary influences will help determine whether this time becomes a crisis or not.


What is horary astrology?

Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.


Find yourself a 21st century ritual

Feel like life is passing you by? Ritual allows the opportunity to stop and appreciate the different passages of life. Discover the importance of experiencing rituals and gain a better understanding of who you are.


Your guide to healing with spices

We are all familiar with the flavour benefits of adding spices to our food. However, more people are beginning to appreciate the medicinal virtues of spices with their use being extended into foods that also served as medicine.

women happy nature flower

Getting rid of acne

Bad skin is as much a psychological torture as a physical one. There are, however, natural ways to effectively keep pimples at bay.


Macrobiotics for longer life

Apart from teaching us the profound effect food has on our wellbeing and longevity, macrobiotics emphasises that the way we eat and affects us physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually.


What is tantra?

In the East, the connection between health, sexuality and higher consciousness has a long history. Tantra has existed for as long as humans have wondered about the mystery of existence and stood in awe of the primordial power of their sexual nature.