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How to maintain a work-life balance

Juggling and maintaining the work/life balance can help eliminate the stress and exhaustion and hive a feeling of improvement and quality in our lives.


Malta’s mysteries

Malta is a country with a rich past of goddess worship and temple culture that most people know little about.


How to have a lucid dream

As you read these words, do you know for sure you are awake and not in a lifelike dream? What criteria would you use to tell the difference? On the surface, these sound like highly absurd questions, but if transposed to the world of dreams they can provide the key to a realm of nearly unlimited possibility.


12 diverse styles of yoga

Many of us consider yoga to consist of physical exercises (hatha yoga), however this is only one aspect of yogic practices. Over time, diverse styles of yoga have evolved and here we describe 12 styles, including the modern yogalates


Online health search tips

When it comes to researching health issues or finding solutions to common complaints, the internet is an information goldmine. But which sites can you really trust?


The pleasure of food

Healthy food does much more than simply nourish our bodies, it also unlocks passion and creates enjoyment.