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slow living

What is the slow living movement?

Slow living is rediscovering the rhythms of life and experiencing the people, places and events that are usually a blur as you rush from one must-do task to another.

stress_adrenal exhaustion_welbeingcomau

Achieving balance and avoiding adrenal exhaustion

Are you someone who keeps on going even when you’re exhausted? Are you getting messages to slow down but are not listening to them? It’s possible you may be addicted to stress and could be heading for adrenal exhaustion


What do colours mean? Part I

Every colour represents a set of emotions, a state of being – say, white which advocates freedom, purity and enlightenment. Preferences for colours reflect elements of our personality. Indeed, the psychology of colours is far more complex than what meets the eye.


How to eat healthy

As nutritionists update the recommended daily intakes for many foods, we break down the numbers and find out how you can eat the right amount of nutrients for a healthy life.


How to manage food allergies

When it comes to optimal nutrition and managing digestive troubles, it’s not just what you eat but how you eat.


Ageing secrets of the East

These wise and empowering Eastern philosophies will help you live longer, healthier and become more spiritually connected.