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7 ways to talk about sex

Things have changed dramatically since children were given talks about “the birds and the bees”. Navigating teaching our children about sex education and their own sexuality in this ever-changing world can be a challenge for parents. Here, we look at having the “chat” with an open heart and mind.


Finding wellness in Shoalhaven

We explore the stunning Shoalhaven, located on the New South Wales South coast, just two hours from Sydney and Canberra. There, we rest, rejuvenate and soak up the many wellness activities the region has to offer.

Birth Astrology

The Sun and our vital force in medical astrology

Everything is made of energy and that energy has a quality that changes through time The Sun characterises not only the vitality of our solar system but also delineates vigour in our natal chart.

Native American Astrology

Native American Astrology

Native American astrology is linked to the seasonal cycles and uses animal totems linked to each of the 12 Moons for the year. These animals are known as your ‘birth totem’ and they are intimately connected to the seasonal energies.

Heart disease

Getting to the root of heart disease

What really causes heart disease? Dr Michael Elsteien gets to the roots of the cause, but now that we understand it better, will we change our behaviours to defuse this metabolic time bomb?

Kinder Parenting

How we can unlearn unconscious bias for kinder parenting

We all carry certain biases, whether we’re aware of them or not, and inevitably these biases get passed to our children. Teaching your children about inclusivity, kindness and compassion starts with examining your own implicit beliefs.