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How to manage blood sugar levels

Giving in to cravings for sweets can cause all sorts of health problems, but there are ways to help your body to deal with sugar more effectively.


The magic of Malaysia

The thick, knotted jungles of Malaysia and all of the brightly coloured wildlife found within offer the perfect respite from the modern world and a place in which you can truly find your centre.

ready set go

Ready, set, go!

A healthy body is the best place for your baby to grow. Your diet and fitness level can play a major part in influencing the health of your unborn child.


The simple daily detox

The modern detox is a great way to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. So what are the 7 steps to eliminate toxins from your life?


How to care for your hands

Keep your hands in perfect condition with a host of natural ingredients found in the kitchen and around the home.


Natural remedies for insomnia

Sleep difficulty is commonly caused by stress, but before you reach for the calmative pills try some of these simple lifestyle adjustments for a deep, restorative sleep.

pre-conc 2

Have a healthy baby

There is growing evidence that your maternal health at conception and during pregnancy is a strong indicator of the health status of your baby into adulthood. Preconception healthcare is vital.

chinese body clock chinese health clock: tcm body clock chart

How to listen to your body clock

The body clock reflects the times when there is maximum energy and activity in particular body organs. Tradtional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help you identify any areas of imbalance and restore your body’s balance.


Your guide to heart health

Cardiovascular or heart disease is still the number one killer in Western society. Learn all the risk factors and how to avoid them.