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Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 07 19t101232.642

Breaking the silence with Elfy Scott

Journalist Elfy Scott grew up rarely speaking about her mother’s schizophrenia. Years on, she’s broken the silence to break down taboos and stigma about complex mental health conditions.


Chemtrails: crop circles of the sky?

Gaze up at the sky on a regular basis: you’ll likely glimpse them every once in a while. Long, wispy cloud-like lines that span the horizon. Captured across Earth in scores of videos and photos, the white trails, too straight to be natural and increasingly sighted by the public, have become fodder for debate. Significant […]


What Do Your Swearing Habits Say About You?

By its nature swearing makes us uncomfortable, but it has some positive psychological and physical effects at the same time, acting like a verbal horoscope revealing a lot about your personality.

Good Hair

Good hair is healthy hair

What is good hair? It can be anything to anyone. Whatever you perceive that to be. There are way to improve the quality and quantity of hair

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 06 14t115254.939

Blooming: a journey to body-acceptance

WellBeing reader Jemima Holland shares her journey from shattering body dysmorphia to blossoming self-acceptance. An honest and emotionally wrenching read, this is the story of one woman’s travels to reality’s darker side — and her decision to find the way back on her own terms.

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 06 14t113459.830

7 ways to talk about sex

Things have changed dramatically since children were given talks about “the birds and the bees”. Navigating teaching our children about sex education and their own sexuality in this ever-changing world can be a challenge for parents. Here, we look at having the “chat” with an open heart and mind.


The power of self-compassion

While undoing a lifetime of beliefs can be challenging, it is possible to learn to become more self-compassionate. Discover how to develop a healthier and happier relationship with yourself.


Finding wellness in Shoalhaven

We explore the stunning Shoalhaven, located on the New South Wales South coast, just two hours from Sydney and Canberra. There, we rest, rejuvenate and soak up the many wellness activities the region has to offer.