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Aromatherapy, a calm pregnancy and you

Pregnancy is a joyous occasion but it can also cause significant physical, mental and emotional upheaval. Aromatherapy can help you to achieve emotional balance.


Exercise and your pregnancy

Regular, gentle exercise is one of the simplest things you can do to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy.


Savouring the Angkor temples

Steeped in mystery and legend, the unique and ethereal pleasures of Cambodia’s Angkor temples are best experienced in silence and solitude.


Finding the answers with Horary astrology

Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.

How to make soap: make your own chemical-free soap

How to make your own chemical-free soap

Not sure what chemicals are in the soap you buy? The easy solution is to make your own. It takes only a small amount of effort and will help to lighten the chemical load on your body.


Ayurvedic beauty

In the Ayurvedic tradition, beauty treatments are more than just a luxury, they are a way of living. Adopt these intoxicating rituals into your lifestyle and enjoy the difference.


Find Sanctuary in a Spa

Spas are everywhere you turn these days. They offer many ways to nurture your body and soul, but how do you choose? Here’s a guide to what you can expect from your spa experience.


Is a resort right for you?

Need a break but not sure what kind? Resorts offer a range of holiday experiences — from the sublimely restful to the madly adventurous.


How to heal with journaling

Just the act of naming an emotion will help you move towards dealing with it, so imagine what writing about your feelings can do! Discover the healing power of journalling.