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Is wine good for you?

Winemaking dates back thousands of years — vines were widely cultivated in ancient Egypt around 3000 BCE. Wine is still one of the most popular beverages throughout the world and is prized for its social and health benefits.


Tired of feeling tired?

We all feel run-down from time to time, but if your energy levels are frequently on the low side, it may pay to check the level of your cortisol and thyroid hormones. Get these sorted out and you’ll be feeling bouncy again.


Stars for 2010

What does the coming year hold in store for you? Take a peek into the start of the next decade and find out how the stars will influence your life.


The zen of running

The steady pounding of feet proves to be a form of moving meditation for one long-distance runner. So what lessons can be learned as kilometre after kilometre clicks past?


Oh my papaya

The delicious yet unheralded papaya is gaining credibility as an anti-cancer food.


Is coffee really bad for you?

Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity, only deferring to oil, and is the most traded food. It is a social lubricant but has real impacts on your body. So how should you drink it and how much should you have?


How is your cookware impacting your health?

Most food products are packaged primarily with economic efficiency, not consumer health, in mind. Exposure to chemicals can make the food we consume damaging to our health, so it’s important to know what’s really cooking.


Living from the inside out

The people who radiate the most happiness and joy in life are also those who take good care of their insides. Learning to nourish and worship the temples that are your miraculous body, mind and soul is fundamental to healthy, happy living.