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Swimming with dolphin doctors

Not only are dolphins amazing to watch, but these pacific pin-ups have incredible brains and social skills to match their beauty. Discover the healing influence these doctor dolphins are having on people worldwide


Your guide to healing with spices

We are all familiar with the flavour benefits of adding spices to our food. However, more people are beginning to appreciate the medicinal virtues of spices with their use being extended into foods that also served as medicine.


10 ways to happiness

Feeling blue, or wondering if you are ever meant to be truly happy? The answer is empowering. Here are 10 simple ways to live your happiest life today and get smiling!


Is plastic bad for your health?

The problems with plastic are both environmental and health-related. Learn how to reduce your exposure and protect the planet from these common but toxic chemicals.


Macrobiotics for longer life

Apart from teaching us the profound effect food has on our wellbeing and longevity, macrobiotics emphasises that the way we eat and affects us physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually.


Your guide to terrific tomatoes

It’s a well-established fact that the tomato is a good source of vitamin C, with levels similar to that of kiwi fruit or oranges. However, new research shows the humble tomato is a much more important health food than previously realised.


The benefits of drinking tea

Many of us enjoy a good and soothing cup of tea every now and again. But there is much more to tea than a pleasant drinking experience. Discover the health benefits of a good ol’ cuppa!


What is food irradiation?

As a technology for food processing, food irradiation is the exposure of food to gamma rays from a radioactive source. What are the health benefits and risk factors associated with irradiated foods?


Healthy foods that beat the heat

When the temperature outside soars, keep your body temperature down and your nutrient levels high by making your approach to meal preparation in tune with the season.

sonic therapy

What is sonic therapy?

Frequencies of vibration and neural-emotional stimulation trigger sonic healing by means of sensory immersion in sound. Combining primitive and modern-day techniques, sonic healing is taking the allopathic medical world by ear.