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Heal thyself

When illness, depression or addiction take over our lives, it can be helpful to look to spiritual solutions for healing.


Long live friends

Friends don’t only make your life more pleasant, they make it longer.


The beautiful love

Agape is the love of God for humanity and it can bring immense healing if you take the time to access it.


Mindfulness goes deep

Mindfulness meditation not only reduces inflammation and alters gene expression, it reduces loneliness.


6 tips to conquer emotional eating

Have you thought that poor dietary habits and a lack of exercise may not be the only things weighing you down? Understanding emotional patterns can be the missing link in achieving your ideal weight.


Writing and healing

Whether it’s a scrap of paper, a locked journal or a glowing computer screen, if there is a nagging worry that won’t go away, write about it. After all, who better to share your problems with than a blank page?


Digital detox

Technology was initially created to make our lives easier but, as most of us have discovered, just the opposite is true. So what benefits can be gained by switching off, tuning out and dropping offline?


What is your heart age?

Although you can’t change your genetic predisposition or age-related factors that can lead to heart disease, you can take steps to control the other factors that can contribute.