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The Upside of Feeling Down

Are there any positives to feeling depressed or anxious? There certainly can be, if you know what to look for! Find relief and healing if you ae feeling down.


Gardening for Fitness

The garden brings peace, happiness and … exercise? Maintaining a garden can be just as physically demanding as playing a sport, so you should be sure to warm up properly to protect your back, wrist and knees.


The case for organic food

While family budgets are tight, should we still be eating organic food? Is it any better for us? Why is conventional food not good enough?

berries fruit healthy summer

Antioxidants to the rescue

Since antioxidants burst into the public’s awareness, they’ve been regarded as the good guys of nutrition. So what is the latest on antioxidants and how do you get your share?

Golden Door

Creating golden memories

If it’s time to make amends for the indulgences of the holiday season, The Golden Door offers just the right amount of healthy living with a touch of indulgence thrown in.


The truth about sugar

Giving in to cravings for sweets can cause all sorts of health problems, but there are ways to help your body to deal with sugar more effectively.