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Anti-ageing facial rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation Technique is derived from the wisdom of ancient Ayurvedic healers, combining the anti-ageing benefits of yoga, energy balancing, body massage, acupressure, lymphatic drainage and head massage.


Natural therapies for insomnia

Do you lie awake at night thinking about your day, wishing that you could fall asleep and wondering how long it will take? Give these natural therapies a try and stop counting sheep for good!


Need an energy boost?

Feeling tired or lethargic can really get in the way of your day. Here are some terrific and natural ways to get back in the game!

Meditate on it

The benefits of meditation are well known. People have been known to meditate through stressful situations in life, during childbirth, after operations for pain relief and in a range of other circumstances. There are many different styles of meditation to try including mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, mantra meditation, breathe meditation and guided meditation. I’ve tried […]

Building blocks of success

I was once critical of using props in yoga. Admittedly, there was a bit of pride involved in it. Props were well and good for people that did not have the flexibility or perhaps had restrictions that did not allow them to hold the posture, but not I. I could already achieve the full benefits […]

Unleashing the silent mind

Yesterday’s yoga class was a bit different. After our standard 3 “Oms” to begin the class our instructor gave us some theory on the mind. I have always enjoyed the theory side of yoga. Although I have attempted numerous times to brush up on yoga theory (my latest effort being the Hindi sacred scriptures, Bhagavad […]


How to stop over-committing

Are your commitments pulling you out of kilter? Learn how to focus on what is important to you so you can tip the scales in your favour and return a bit of balance to your life.


Find stress-relief in a knitting group

In WellBeing Issue 127, we cover the joys of knitting. Here’s your chance to join one of many knitting groups across the country and enjoy the benefits!


How to get rid of dandruff!

Living with dandruff can be frustrating and embarrassing. Get to the root of the problem and discover how to naturally defeat dandruff once and for all!