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Going Vegan for One Week

I met so many fascinating people at the Vegan Expo in Sydney over the weekend who live a vegan lifestyle and embrace the benefits of it – from effortless weight loss, reversal of diseases, increased environmental responsibility and spiritual awareness (just to name a few) – it was truly eye opening for me to meet such enthusiasts and it left an impression on me. So I wanted to put myself to the test to see how I could bring these added benefits to my life. Good bye meat, fish, milk, eggs – or anything that comes from an animal – for a full week.


Your guide to tribulus terrestris

There are so many health claims attributed to supplements containing tribulus it’s easy to become suspicious that it is all hype, but there is some good research showing this herb has the ability to change hormone levels.


Toghurt: the great white hope:

Who knew this humble dairy product had so many benefits? From digestive healt, longevity, cancer and weight loss, yoghurt has all the bases covered.


Milk thistle for liver health

One of the most widely used herbal medicines, milk thistle has a long history of use in the treatment of digestive and liver problems. In the past few decades, the plant has been the focus of extensive research and clinical trials examining the effects it has on the liver.


All about salt

Salt has acquired a bad reputation over the years, but it’s not all bad. When added to self-prepared meals, salt can bring any summer dish to life and help you feel more satisfied.


Perfect potatoes

Besides being delicious, potatoes are packed with essential nutrients. Learn more about the history and benefits of this nourishing vegetable and discover some delicious ways to incorporate it into your diet.


Your guide to terrific tomatoes

It’s a well-established fact that the tomato is a good source of vitamin C, with levels similar to that of kiwi fruit or oranges. However, new research shows the humble tomato is a much more important health food than previously realised.


Eating and drinking your way to youth

The best anti-ageing agents are natural and in plain sight. Adopting your diet to include shellfish, legumes and vegetables like capsicum and eggplants as well as having adequate water intake can be the start to a new and youthful outlook.