Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 04 27t152004.465

Orange & Apricot Soufra

Orange & Apricot Soufra

By: Naomi Sherman

I feel like this is what would be served to me in heaven. There’s something so incredibly decadent about the combination of pastry and custard that I find irresistible.



Prep time

Cook time



  • 120g dried apricots, chopped
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 375g filo pastry, defrosted
  • 250g butter, melted
  • 600mL cream
  • 240g caster sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Zest 2 oranges


  • Preheat your oven to 170°C. Grease a round, shallow, ovenproof dish.
  • Place the apricots into a bowl or jug and pour the boiling water over them.
  • Soak for 30 mins and then drain.
  • Keeping the filo under a damp cloth to stop it drying out, lay 1 sheet out and brush with melted butter.
  • Keeping the filo under a damp cloth to stop it drying out, lay 1 sheet out and brush with melted butter.
  • Lay out another sheet of filo, brush with butter and top with a second sheet.
  • Scrunch into a long accordion again and wrap it around the centre rose.
  • Continue until you have used up all of the filo and you have a full dish of filo.
  • Brush the top with the last of the melted butter and bake for 15 mins.
  • Whisk the cream, sugar, eggs, vanilla and orange zest together in a mixing bowl.
  • Scatter half of the apricots over the pastry and then very gently pour the custard over until the dish is full.
  • Top with the rest of the apricots and bake for a further 30 mins.
  • Serve warm or cold with a dusting of icing sugar.


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Naomi Sherman

Naomi Sherman

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