Interval training

Interval training is a great way to spice up your cardiovascular workouts, boost your metabolism, increase your aerobic fitness and shed unwanted body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass.

This training method involves an intense interval (the “on” period) and a recovery interval (the “off” period). The intensity and length of time for each may very depending on your fitness level. An example of interval training would be to run on the treadmill at 10km/h for 30 seconds, then reduce your speed to 8km/h for 60 seconds and repeat for the total workout. This type of training allows you to work at a higher rate during the “on” period than you would be able to do if you were doing steady state or “regular” cardio. This offers excellent fitness gains and burns loads of calories both during and after your workout.

To create a variance in intensity between the “off” and “on” period, simply alter the speed, intensity or length of time of one or both intervals. Another option is to alternate between two different exercises.

Examples of interval training to try:

Set the treadmill to a speed that allows you to jog/run at a maintainable pace. Once warmed up, increase the incline to 7-8 for 45 seconds. Bring the incline back down to 0 and jog/run for 1 minute 15 seconds. Repeat for total workout.

Complete a 1 minute set of walking lunges, followed by 5 burpees and repeat for a total of 10 minutes.

Do 50 crunches, then jump on an exercise bike and do a 30 second all-out sprint.

Complete 2 minutes at a moderate pace on the rowing machine, then row as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

Using the cross trainer, complete 5 minutes at a moderate pace, then increase the speed and level for 2 minutes.

Remember to warm up before your workout, and cool down after and to consult a doctor before commencing an exercise routine.

Felicity Daley

Felicity Daley

As a personal trainer, Felicity's philosophy is to take a balanced approach. Health is multifaceted and fitness means something different to every individual. A combination of muscular strength, physical endurance, agility and coordination, stability, nutrition, rest and mental and emotional wellbeing is essential in a well-rounded lifestyle. Felicity's aim is help you to achieve your goals in these areas by offering the support, motivation and information needed to do so!

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